1. Grumpy.
I can be quite grumpy sometimes, if things don't turn out the way I hoped, it can make me quite annoyed, especially if I've taken an absolute age doing them. I can also moan about pretty much anything and a good rant is never a miss.
2. Perfectionist.
This can be a good and a bad thing, a good thing because I take a lot of care and time doing things but a bad thing because it has to be perfect which does take me a while to do, I just like things to be done properly. It doesn't bother me at all how other people have done something but if I'm doing it and I don't think its right, it can really annoy me.
3. Realist.
I wouldn't say I'm negative but I do have a habbit of looking at things realistically, especially what things can go wrong but this is probably because I tend to over think a lot (that would be my 4th worst trait).
Grumpy!! Me too!! At least we are honest! Your blog looks great, keep it up, I just started in March and am loving it. :) www.hopeinthehealing.com It takes a while but it you write it they will come! lol. Be blessed!
Thank you so much for your kind words,your blog is really lovely :)